Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's winter so you know what that means....

Gloves, gloves, gloves and more gloves.....oh and some hats too.  So we've been pretty busy with a rush order that seemed to have come out of nowhere.  It all started with a simple pair of black fingerless gloves worn to Bingo night by my sister's mother in law.  Funny enough we both attempted the same pair of mittens at differnet times but the whole finger part was too frustrating for us.  While I decided to give up on gloves altogether lol, my sister, not to be deterred did end up finding a pattern.  (Don't worry fellow crocheters, all pattern links will be at the bottom of this post in case you want to make your own).  Turns out I actually loved making these so I helped her with her orders, even followed her links to make other sizes and made some for a little girl I know.

Think we ended up having to make about ten pairs so far, with still more coming in.  Not bad for just starting out.  Then came the hats.  Soooooooo this is all about a learning process aannnddd well I'm learning that some customers can be very ummm specific about what they want.  They all wanted to be sports themed so we picked up some appliques and got to stitchin.  

We still have some orders of hats and gloves popping up but next up will be other projects.  Well at least I know which projects I have in mind.  Main thing I keep in mind though is that this is all a learning process so if we hit some bumps along the way so be it, as long as we learn from them.

Patterns used in this blog post:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Hook and a prayer is all we have....

A hook and a prayer (and a bunch of yarn), that's literally all we have to start with on this journey and those who will eventually start reading this blog will be along for the ride.  You'll get to see upcoming projects and the craziness behind the scenes.  The ups, the downs....what works, what doesn't.

For the most part I'll probably be narrating our little entrepreneurship adventure.  Just praying that it works, lol.

Time to meet the players.  

My name is Melanie.  I'll keep it simple for right now since you'll get to know us as we go along but here's the basics, I'm a mother of three and I've been crocheting since I was around 12ish.  My first blanket looked more like a trapezoid lol but I never gave up.  I decided to go to smaller things like baby hats and baby blankets.  Now that I'm older I love to try different techniques and do different patterns.  My children love that I crochet because they can wear their favorite characters.  What they don't realize is that while I pretend they drive me up the wall to make them their favorite item, I'm actually excited inside because it's another reason to pick up a hook.  When they say crocheting is therapeutic it really is, I know it's helped me through many trials.

Hi! I'm Lisa, mom to 3 boys and a chocolate lab, and married to my best friend. I learned to crochet when I was 12, but didn't fall in love until I picked up some yarn and new needles when was in my 20's. After years of gifting baby blankets, hats, and other gifts we've decided to start a business of our own. We'd love for you to follow us on this new journey!

Now that you've met us let's get this show on the road.